Monday, March 28, 2005

4 out of 5 dentists prefer this blog

It has been a few days since my last entry and a lot of things have been floating around in my head. First, imagine you are in your dorm bathroom, if you will. As you walk to the sink, and begin to turn the water on, you accidentally knock someone else's toothbrush on the ground. What do you do now? Think quickly! The correct answer: throw the toothbrush in the trash! Though this is the correct course of action, the overwhelming response I receive to this question is to simply rinse the toothbrush off and put it back in its original location. A nice thought... or is it? Imagine every person on your floor walking through your mouth, along with all the gross stuff that has accumulated on both their shoes and bare feet... and throw in a little fecal bacteria... it's a little something like that. Think about that, all you sickos who thought rinsing was an appropriate solution to a dropped toothbrush.

Moving on. This is the personal part of the blog. While this section may be a little boring, it is an attempt to share about myself. From the time I was in junior high until now, I have always been so tired (or lazy) at night, that I go to sleep in whatever I was wearing that day. That's right, I sleep in jeans 90% of the time. You may be saying: "sleeping in jeans sounds uncomfortable." But I put forth this argument: does eating rice for every meal sound appetizing? Probably not. But it's hard for my Asian friends to go one meal without eating rice. The point: when you are raised with a habitual behavior, you are socialized to like or prefer it. Thus, my ideal and preferred pajamas are jeans and a polo shirt. Odd (and random), but true. So that was a little glimpse in my head and an attempt at rationalizing my lack of bedtime preparation.

There are many more thoughts still floating around... but for the sake of length, and so that I can go eat at the fine dining establishment known as Spankies... I will end here.

Much love!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Bad Boyz! Whatcha gonna do?

Well, today the school notified Samuel Harrison Blair, in writing, that he is to meet with the director of Residence Life tomorrow. This meeting will take place at 11:00am. So if you could pray for Sam at that time, he would greatly appreciate it. For spending the night in the library, the school stated that we were in violation of rule 3.9 of the Franciscan University Handbook.The rule states: "Violation of federal, state, or local law on University premises..." Let me break this down like a fraction. By citing this rule, the school is implying that my friends and I broke into the library. This would be considered "breaking and entering" and thus a violation of state and local laws. However, we entered the library during normal hours of operation, by entering doors that were open to the entire student body. This is distinct from breaking into a locked building and thus, not a violation of any law.

One might argue that we must have been in violation of some school rule and I would agree. Rule 3.17 strictly prohibits "camping on University premises." By virtue of the fact the Sam, Dan, and I brought pillows, sleeping bags (and I brought my teddy bear), this act could be considered 'camping.' If we were hit with this rule in our meeting with Residence Life we would have no room to maneuver and would be forced to admit guilt. But fortunately 3.17 is not the rule in question.

By now you're probably thinking: In talking with you, I've heard many incidences of rule breaking throughout this school year. How many other rules have you and your friends broken?

Here's a little list of other rules we may have viloated during the course of the 2004-2005 school year: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.8, 3.9 (as alleged by the school), 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.17, 3.21, 3.22.

Well, take care and keep stickin' it to the man!

Monday, March 21, 2005

A Wet-N-Wild Week

This week has been CRIZAZY! I have been threatened twice in the past 5 days with being reported to Student Life for violating school rules. Earlier in the week, Dan, Sam, and I spent the night in the library. We refer to this event as Operation Totem Pole. That adventure lasted until about 2:18am and was abruptly cut short by a Jefferson Security gurad who was surprised to find the three of us hanging out in an upstairs study area. Our ID numbers were taken and threats were made. On the up side, we have the whole night on tape and are in the process of editing it.

Later in the week Sam and I got into a huge water fight in the cafeteria. We were yelled at by a lunch lady, our school IDs were confiscated, and my pride was stripped from me. Apparently throwing water is the eqivilent of throwing food and is considered a serious offense. Sam, being the smooth man he is, talked to the cafeteria manager and got our IDs back, along with getting all punishments dropped.

It was a rough week, but it ended strong. I capped Sunday off with an all-campus viewing of Ocean's 12 and enjoyed my first Molsen with Dan and Jim. Talking with those guys improved my vocabulary and added years to my life. I am also proud to say that my picture made it on Jim's wall... a life goal of mine (which I had made earlier in the evening).

Saturday, March 19, 2005

What time is it? Tonsure time!

What up, peeps?

You ever have the feeling that someone is staring at you? Well, yesterday was not just a day of feeling like people were staring at me, but a day of catching people staring at me. You might ask: "Why would people stare at you?" My response: a tonsure. After having a bowl cut for several days, my roommate and I decided to take it up a notch and shave the tops of our heads as well. In the tradition of the Franciscan Order, Samuel Blair and I dropped the tonsure on Franciscan University. Like with many changes, some people were not ready for what they were seeing. As a result, we received a mixture of responses, varying from 'hot' to 'dirty'.

Moving on.. I really admire people who write long and interesting blogs. I, as of right now, am not one of those people. So for awhile, my blogs will be like me... short and sweet.