Saturday, March 19, 2005

What time is it? Tonsure time!

What up, peeps?

You ever have the feeling that someone is staring at you? Well, yesterday was not just a day of feeling like people were staring at me, but a day of catching people staring at me. You might ask: "Why would people stare at you?" My response: a tonsure. After having a bowl cut for several days, my roommate and I decided to take it up a notch and shave the tops of our heads as well. In the tradition of the Franciscan Order, Samuel Blair and I dropped the tonsure on Franciscan University. Like with many changes, some people were not ready for what they were seeing. As a result, we received a mixture of responses, varying from 'hot' to 'dirty'.

Moving on.. I really admire people who write long and interesting blogs. I, as of right now, am not one of those people. So for awhile, my blogs will be like me... short and sweet.


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