Saturday, May 21, 2005

Hella plans?

It's been a long time since the last time I blogged, so here's a little list of what I've done since then:

-tossed a computer off a cliff
-bashed a computer monitor with a baseball bat
-climbed on top of a building at school (miss judged how high up I was) and then dangled from the edge, eventually letting go to fall a good distance (it hurt a little bit)
-graduated from college
-ate a grande meal from Taco Bell (10 tacos: 5 crunchy, 5 soft)
-slept on a couch for the past week, falling asleep to Conan O'Brian each night
-discovered the band "The Owls"-- a small band from Minnesota-- listen to them, they'll change your life!
** "I know it's boring, but it's my life."

Moving on... I never thought I'd make this statement, but Star Wars Episode III is dope! If you haven't seen it, git-er-dun!

What I did tonight:
After sipping on a Budweiser Select for what seemed like an hour, I realized that I had only consumed one third of the bad boy. At that point, Miss Gina D'Urso exclaimed at the top of her lungs: "You suck at drinking beer!" Not only was one of my biggest insecurities recognized and confirmed by a female, but it was exclaimed loud enough for all of Pennsylvania Avenue to hear. Now my friends and the local drug dealers are aware of my inability to drink beer comparable to my gender. On a side note, I would like to give Budweiser Select my stamp of approval. Thanks Hannah for your suggestion... I want you to know how much I value a 17 year-old's beer recommendation.

Alrighty, I'm spent. Dominic, I apologize for this disappointing blog (you've already heard about some of this stuff) Sorry man, but I gave you all I've got. Peace.


Blogger yoyoyoy said...

I got mentioned in the blog, I am now famous. Good job graduating by the way! That is all.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you know what robert? i check your blog everyday at work. that's-a the truth. so when there is something new, you should rest assured that you have made me happy.
i am age 22 (almost 23) and i recently went to a party (for ushers at the symphony's concert hall, so it was like me and the old folks) and i had one (1) glass of wine and my head was swimming. i'm just a little baby when it comes to alcohol. and it's embarassing. so don't feel too bad, girly-man.

5:13 AM  

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